Sunday 9 June 2013

A Oui Read.

During my recent trip to Paris I had a good few opportunities to browse some book shops. As my boyfriend browsed the classics, I, as per usual was lost in the children's section. Flicking through incredible illustrations, intricate pop-ups and hyperventilating with excitement. Now, don't be fooled by the happy characters gracing the front covers as they are not simply tales of caterpillar metamorphosis or Elephants who don't fit in with their friends. Take 'Mes Deux Papas' (pictures top right). A story about a little bird living with gay parents. I also came across several books about death and not just comforting stories about grandparents passing on but children dying or being 'taken' by Death. Dark stories with illustrations that bring a goosebump or two. Is it that the French are not afraid to take risks with their children's literature or is it more the case that we don't? I regret not picking a few of these books up and introducing them to the children at work and let them be the judges (would have had to spend some time translating however).